Wednesday, February 17, 2010

You're In Time Out

So, there have been alot of time outs at our house lately. To say that Morgan is in a challenging phase would be an understatement. The arrival of a very mobile and full of personality baby brother has only fueled her fire.

We have rules in place for her. If she breaks a rule, depending on the severity, she either gets a time out or a spanking. The thought behind time out (for our family) is to slow her down, remove the distractions of the moment, and help her reflect on the choices she just made. Hopefully at the end of her three minute respite, she will make a better choice in the future.

Morgan is strong willed...don't know where she got that (ha ha). She doesn't enjoy correction or being told what to do. I know, i know-what kid does right? It seems the minute i turn my back her claws come out and she is a little heat seeking missile locked on her brother. He has been the recipient of nail scratches, block floggings, toy car throwings, and yes even the occasional bite. Our little "bad girl" has been warned that one day brother wont be such a baby any more. When that day comes we have made it abundantly clear to her that we will stand back and let him have his moment. Yet in spite of time outs, spankings, and warnings of imminent beating from her brother...she gets caught up in the moment and makes the wrong choice, alot.

Having kids has defintely made me reflect on who i am much more often. I have good intentions. I start everyday with a plan in my head and my priorities in mind.

*Love God. Spend time with Him personally, share Him publicly.
*Love my family. Nurture my kids and my marriage.
*Love myself. Make good eating choices, actually go to bed at a decent hour.

Seems simple enough. But just as my three year old gets overwhelmed with the moment, so many times i find myself caught up in "life." I like to stay busy. Please do not ask me to sit still, that is like a death sentence. I thrive on working, having projects, irons in every fire. Ask me to do something, my answer is yes. Tell me to be there at 8, i will be there at 7:45. New recipe, lets try it. New project, lets start it. New opportunity, count me in. I will stay up later and get up earlier to make my commitments happen. It's just what makes me tick. All the while i feel fulfilled based on what i am achieving. It isn't until i finally slow down for a moment that i look back on the week, or month, and realize what a "bad girl" i have been.

Priorities aren't priorities if they come second. Those are merely options. So while my ego is massaged by my accomplishments. My spirit is malnourished, my family is mistreated, and my physical well being is a miss. In spite of the warnings from my Father, i get caught up in the moment and make the wrong choice, alot.

So, as i was placing my head strong little girl in her time out spot this morning, it occurred to me just how much i needed one too.

I need to slow down, remove the distractions of the moment, and reflect on the choices i am making. I don't want my priorities to be overlooked because of moments of being busy. I don't want my need to be doing to dictate my choices.

Just as my three year old still needs time outs to help her make the right choices, so does her thirty one year old mother. The goal? When we get up from our time out we will make the right choice. And one at a time those right choices will make us better people and followers of Christ.